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NBA资讯      2019-12-06 06:59:34




哈登剩下的7:50突破扣篮可以让火箭队以104-89领先。球在球网中弹跳,然后越过篮框,然后弹跳起来,主裁判误认为哈登错过了扣篮,并拒绝了休斯顿教练迈克·德安东尼(Mike D'Antoni)的挑战。

“当比赛发生时,哈登参加了扣篮比赛,然后球在我们看来似乎是从网中弹出的,”船员负责人詹姆斯·卡珀斯对一位台球记者说。 “如果发生这种情况,那就是篮筐干扰。要取得成功的射门得分,必须清除篮网。此后,我们进入这里观看比赛。他大力扣篮,以至于篮网将篮筐带回篮筐。第二次,所以实际上它确实清除了障碍,应该是成功的实地目标。



“我不知道,”德安东尼说。 “我听说他们说球击中了詹姆斯,然后又通过了,所以这是对詹姆斯的射门。我向他挑战,但没有得到回应。然后另一个人说,这不是射门;球就熄了我说:“好吧,我挑战那个。”无法做到。你知道,我不知道,要回答你的问题。我什么都没有。我不能告诉你。”



德安东尼说:“我认为我们在哈登扣篮之前就失去了焦点,但显然这只是增加了情况。” “我们只是放弃了防守,我们放弃了回来,我们傻傻地把它翻了回来,没有回来。他们变得炙手可热,投篮了,我们只是没有采取任何措施来对抗它。”




哈登被要求对进攻进行犯规,比赛还剩0.4秒。火箭队挑战之后,官员推翻了犯规,但称其进攻犯规为休斯敦中锋克林特·卡佩拉。圣安东尼奥的布林·福布斯(Bryn Forbes)在蜂鸣器上跳投未中。



“ S ---发生了,”后卫拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克说,总结了火箭的整个夜晚。 “干净利落。”

SAN ANTONIO -- The Houston Rockets are optimistic that the NBA office will take action after referees mistakenly did not count a James Harden dunk in Tuesday night's 135-133 double-overtime loss to the San Antonio Spurs, sources told ESPN.

The Rockets are hopeful the league office will either award the victory to Houston due to the Rockets outscoring the Spurs in regulation or order that the final 7 minutes, 50 seconds be replayed at a later date, sources said.

League sources, however, scoffed at suggestions the Rockets would be awarded the victory.

Harden's breakaway dunk with 7:50 remaining would have given the Rockets a 104-89 lead. The ball whipped through the net and back over the rim before bouncing off, and the officiating crew mistakenly ruled that Harden missed the dunk and denied Houston coach Mike D'Antoni's attempt to challenge the call.

"When the play happened, Harden goes in for a dunk, and then the ball appears to us to pop back through the net," crew chief James Capers told a pool reporter. "When that happens, that is basket interference. To have a successful field goal, it must clear the net. We have since come in here and looked at the play. He dunked it so hard that the net carried it back over the rim a second time, so in fact it did clear the net and should have been a successful field goal.

"As to could the play have been reviewed, it is a reviewable matter, but you have a window of 30 seconds to challenge the play during that timeout that he had and while they were protesting the call, trying to get clarification of it, that window passed. So therefore, it elapsed, and they were not able to do it."

D'Antoni, who spoke to the media before the pool report was released, had a different account of the referees' explanation immediately after the play.

"I have no idea," D'Antoni said. "I heard that they said the ball hit James and went back through, so it was a goaltend on James. I challenged that, and I didn't get a response. Then another guy said it wasn't a goaltend; it went out of bounds on us. And I said, 'Well, I challenge that.' Can't do that. You know, I don't know, to answer your question. I've got nothing. I can't tell you."

According to ESPN Stats & Information research, the most recent example of teams replaying part of a game happened on March 8, 2008, between the Miami Heat and Atlanta Hawks. Four months earlier, the Hawks defeated the Heat 117-111 at home in overtime, but the official scorer incorrectly ruled that Miami's Shaquille O'Neal fouled out with 51.9 seconds left in the game. The league decided to have Miami and Atlanta replay the final 51.9 seconds before the teams' next scheduled game, and the Hawks ultimately won 114-111.

Tuesday night, the Spurs outscored the Rockets by a 26-13 margin in the remainder of regulation after the Harden dunk controversy. The Rockets had led by as many as 22 points in the third quarter.

"I think we lost [focus] before [Harden's dunk], but obviously that just added to the circumstances," D'Antoni said. "We just quit playing defense, we quit getting back, we turned it over silly and didn't get back. They got hot, made shots and we just didn't do anything to combat it."

Harden finished with 50 points despite shooting just 11-of-38 from the field, including 4-of-20 from 3-point range. He also set an NBA record for the most free throws attempted in a regular-season game without a miss (24).

He said he felt the Rockets "just stopped playing, and they gained confidence."

Harden had opportunities to win the game in the final seconds of regulation and both overtime periods.

Harden was called for an offensive foul on a drive with 0.4 seconds remaining in regulation. Officials overturned the foul after the Rockets challenged but instead called Houston center Clint Capela for an offensive foul. San Antonio's Bryn Forbes missed a jumper at the buzzer.

Harden got a good look off the dribble on the final play of the first overtime, but his runner off the glass missed.

In the second overtime, after DeMar DeRozan's free throws gave the Spurs a one-point lead, Harden was called for another charge with 0.8 seconds left.

"S--- happens," guard Russell Westbrook said, summing up the night for the Rockets. "Plain and simple."


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